Does Yor Child Require Extra Academic Support?

Does Yor Child Require Extra Academic Support?

One bad grade doesn’t mean it’s the end of the road; but repeated low grades point to a bigger problem.

As a parent, it’s understandable that its hard to meet teachers who say your child’s progress is slow, or your child is under performing. A worse feeling is opening out that file to see paltry grades and very unsatisfactory comments.

Difficult as it may be, it is on you, the parents, to resort to methods to curb the downward spiral and restore confidence in your child. A positive mindset and renewed confidence will eventually lead to an upward trend in grades, unless there’s a diagnosis of a specific learning disability.

Disinterest in attending school

Disinterest in attending school

Most children love going to school; it’s not because they love to study most often, but the opportunity to interact with friends and enjoy moments of happiness and smiles.  A sudden disinterest in attending school could be due to a myriad of reasons; some of which are learning struggles, bullying, harsh teachers and many more. If you do notice a pattern of your child playing truant, it is a good idea to have open and hearty conversation with them. Try to get to the bottom of it, failing which you will have to resort to other methods of extracting the information from your child; these other methods could be talking to the teachers or visiting a counsellor.

Low mood and Low confidence

Low mood and Low confidence

You know your child best, and it is rather important you keep watch on your child’s mood and behaviour throughout their life. If a bubbly and outgoing child suddenly seems low, and refuses to take on challenging tasks, you need to RISE UP. Talk to your child, look through their books and chat freely with them, you may be able to pick out the pointers they’re struggling with their school work. Early intervention is the best; so don’t feel bad or afraid to reach out to other parents who might offer tips, reach out to teachers and counselors and do try to get additional academic support for your child.  Sometimes, a one-on-one private tutor, who has been given the background of the child can approach the child in a way a parent cannot and will in the long term help him/her renew their confidence and self esteem.

Poor grades and short attention spans

Poor grades and short attention spans

This is one of the most tell-tale signs that your child is struggling.  A poor grade; or even a set of poor grades doesn’t mean you write off your child; but take note of it and approach it with an open mind. Arranging extra academic support helps fill knowledge gaps. Clearer one-on-one explanations and no distractions by way of other students and their chatter and queries helps a child who has shorter attention spans. Consulting a counsellor or educational therapist can further boost your child’s confidence and personality; because they’ll help guide your child how to curb the mind from being distracted, how to stay focused and most importantly how to remain confident through the ups and downs of life.

Every task seems an uphill battle

If you notice a sudden disinterest in your child’s life, he/she finds every task difficult, disinteresting or frustrating, you need to get to the bottom of this puzzle. Not all children would come to you with what’s troubling them, or why they’re feeling demotivated, so it’s on you to be vigilant. If homework is never a priority, exercise and sleep patterns go haywire, junk food becomes the go to; you need to seek help! It is very unlikely that a child in this frame of mind will reach out for help; or even open up, therefore reaching out to child psychologists, counsellors and therapists is the best way forward.

Seeking assistance is NOT taboo

Seeking assistance is NOT taboo

It is rather unfortunate that in a lot of societies, seeking help for mood related issues, or psychological distress or even behavioral problems is taboo. Seeking counselling or therapy is spoken of in hushed voices, behind pseudo terms, or never approached at all!

As a parent; sit down and reflect on the overwhelming situations you faced when you were a child. How does it feel in retrospect? Now that you’re older  and passed that stage, don’t you wish you had someone you could have spoken your heart out to?  Someone who wouldn’t have judged,demeaned or ridiculed  you?

That’s what your child needs too. And in the current society there are plenty of therapists and counselors, so please for the  betterment of your child go seek help!

Therapists and counselors can change how a child views themselves, and this positive mindset will gently nudge the child in the right direction for everything in life, academics included.

It's never the end of the road; there's always a tomorrow

It’s never the end of the road; there’s always a tomorrow

With this statement in mind, we’ll conclude with the points in summary so you can get your child out of the rut and back on the road again.

  1. Learning style mismatch; if the school teacher isn’t the right fit, find a private tutor who will align with your child.
  2. Concepts they may have not understood in school can also be fixed by finding a private tutor who will re-explain such concepts.
  3. Overwhelmed by the workload in school and unable to keep up can also be sorted by a private tutor.
  4. Negative peer pressure, problems with teachers, family strife can all cause a drop in mood and confidence, therapists and counselors can assist here.
  5. Procrastinating, poor time management and short attention spans lead to confusion and chaos. Teach the child how to manage tasks, set schedules and study effectively.
  6. Love, attention and validation from parents plays a role much larger than anything else.ย  Don’t compromise on recognising and supporting their efforts, and be their biggest cheerleader ever! You wouldn’t understand how much of an impact that has on your child.


Staying attuned to your child’s needs and providing timely assistance,  can help them overcome their challenges and achieve their full potential. A positive parenting approach is seeking extra help, never for a moment thinking that it is a sign of failure, but a proactive step towards ensuring your childโ€™s academic and personal growth. Organising tutoring, or addressing behavioural concerns through therapists,or helping them sort their academics the right support can make a significant difference to your childโ€™s educational journey.

The Ultimate IGCSE Prep Guide for Private Candidates: Steps to Ace Your Exams

The Ultimate IGCSE Prep Guide for Private Candidates:

Steps to Ace Your Exams

Preparing and applying for IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) exams requires a strategic approach, focusing on both academic readiness and administrative requirements.

As an International student based in Sri Lanka, finding a Cambridge or Pearson-certified school isn’t a big deal. In fact, that’s the route most students and parents embark on to facilitate easy access to education and the support required to apply for examinations.

But what if you don’t want to enrol in a mainstream school?

You prefer studying at your own pace.

Is there an alternative route for you?


Private tutories have tailor-made solutions for students out of school but yet want to pursue the path to obtaining the IGCSE qualification.


(Pearson Edexcel & Cambridge)

Cambridge IGCSE is by far the most popular international qualification for students in the age group 14-16 years. It is a flexible curriculum with a wide variety of subjects, 70 to be precise to choose from, with no minimum or maximum limit set by the examination body, although experts in the field of education recommend a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 14.

The Cambridge IGCSE curriculum offers a variety of routes for learners with a wide range of abilities, including those whose first language is not English. For learners, Cambridge IGCSE helps improve performance by developing skills in creative thinking, enquiry and problem-solving. It is the perfect springboard to advanced study.

Pearson Edexcel International GCSEs are studied in over 80 countries worldwide and provide options for students with an array of 37 subjects, they are equivalent to UK GCSEs and accepted by universities globally. Aimed at learners aged 14 to 16, they provide the skills and knowledge needed to progress to A Levels, International A Levels, onto university and into employment. The Pearson Edexcel qualifications have been designed in collaboration with subject experts, teachers and university professors, to ensure that the content and assessment methods are appropriate and will enable successful progression for learners.


The IGCSE syllabus has been formulated considering the current, diverse socio-economic environment. Subjects come under 5 broad disciplines namely:

โ— Language
โ— Humanities
โ— Mathematics
โ— Sciences
โ— Creative, technical and vocational.

An over-enthusiastic, confident 14-year-old is given the option to choose from a plethora of subjects. He/She has a million aspirations.  Now, how do you think they should be handled? 

  1. Guide them to select subjects, you, as the parent deems fit.


  1. Give them the freedom to choose.

Take heart that the IGCSE syllabus has been formulated considering the current, diverse socio-economic environment. Subjects come under 5 broad disciplines namely:

  • Language
  • Humanities
  • Mathematics
  • Sciences
  • Creative, technical and vocational.

In most countries, to qualify for university entrance, mathematics and English are mandatory subjects, plus a lot of experts say a minimum of 5 subjects is required to maintain a balance of the different disciplines and enable more options for future studies.

A student can offer anything between 5 and 14 subjects, but keep in mind quality over quantity. And, if students take a seventh subject, they can earn a Cambridge International Certificate of Education (ICE). This award looks great on your university applications!

 With a wide range of subjects on offer, students and their parents have a bazillion options of mix-and-match, thereby opening the doors to a wide range of paths of study for A levels and university.

Don’t fear though that a wrong decision at this stage would alter your entire future.

Students fear that they may pick the wrong subjects and that can affect their tertiary education choices, therefore they are hesitant to choose the subjects they like or want to learn about. They feel it is wiser to only choose subjects that they will follow through at a tertiary level thinking that the subjects they pick may not allow them to do a particular degree later on.

Yet, IGCSE subjects do not affect the future educational plans of the student. You DO NOT have to pursue all the subjects chosen from the IGCSE syllabus at a tertiary level. Moreover, IGCSE subjects WILL NOT STOP you from choosing your preferred degree.


So, this is on you since you aren’t attending a Cambridge or Pearson-certified school.

No worries though, thanks to the British Council in Colombo which is the certified body to handle the applications for private candidates.

The links to register are attached to ease the application process for you. For Cambridge IGCSE, click here, and for Pearson Edexcel click here!

Follow the step-by-step guide on these links and do reach out to them via email or telephone for further inquiries.


Since you’ll be applying as a private candidate, it is of utmost importance to stay updated with announcements from the Examination Body.

Students in school are notified by their school authorities, a luxury private candidates do not have.

Check the Pearson Edexcel or Cambridge websites regularly, side by side keeping an eye on the British Council in Sri Lanka website too.

If you do hear of any rumours, contact the British Council as soon as possible to verify what you hear.

After all, missing out on an important update can be detrimental to you.




Post the pandemic of 2019, and the emergence of new methods of learning, online tutoring has become a forerunner in the field.

Once you decide on your subjects, check the websites of the examination body and look at the syllabus to get an overview of what you’re going to be studying.

Next, you need to scout for the best tutoring option for you. Do you prefer physical or online?

Once that decision is made, do extensive research on the different institutes available. Speak to others, check online reviews, schedule a meeting with them, discuss how you want your studies to be conducted and then think through all the information before you register with the preferred institute

A friendly, flexible, student-centric option is the best.

And you know why?

Because a student who has chosen to study privately without enrolling in a mainstream school has done so for a reason. Probably to get more personal attention, prefers to not be distracted, is not interested in extracurricular activities and a plethora of other reasons.

These reasons have to be fulfilled and the student and their parents need to feel their decision has been justified.

Smart EDU a renowned institute offering personalized online individual tutoring for a wide array of subjects under the Cambridge and Edexcel curricula catering to the individual needs of a student is a โ€œsmartโ€ choice once you decide to prepare for your IGCSEs as a private candidate. With qualified, experienced tutors, and a flexible class timing schedule, offering tailored support at affordable rates, book a free trial session and experience the convenience and flexibility of learning online!



You’re not in a school and there are no peers in a regular classroom to feel the heat of competition when preparing for a public examination. There are no teachers breathing fire down your neck that your grades have slipped.

How should you create this environment for yourself?

Hold yourself accountable!

Set timetables to revise and recall your studies daily, maintaining a balance between all your subjects. Focus on your weaker subjects and make determined efforts to improve.

Set realistic goals for completion of revision and active recall.

Do past papers frequently and get them graded by your tutors.

Eat a well-balanced diet, get plenty of rest, limit screen distractions and fit in some form of physical exercise regularly.

Connect with others in a similar age group and do fun stuff sporadically to lighten the load of studies.

Stay emotionally connected with your family members and reach out for help when needed.

Prayers and meditation help to lighten the stress of examinations too!

IN CONCLUSION                                    

Think consciously, with your mind and heart before diving into any decision that will impact your life drastically.

โ€œEducation is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X